Beyond the realms of decorating.
Just a quickie post.
Yesterday, I was happily applying Zinsser Bulls Eye 123 to all woodwork in a hall/stairs/landing. The lady of the house popped upstairs to where I was just laying off a door with my Proform Picasso brush and said me – “Don’t use the cloakroom downstairs, we have a blockage.”
Next thing I know, I am outside helping her friend, who is over from Portland in America (a really, really nice guy) helping him to put together a Hozelock hose system, and then help in unblocking the drain outside and giving it a good blasting with the new hose.
I am not a man you want for that sort of thing as I am a bit weak stomached when it comes to poo smells!
We had a good giggle while doing it, did me and Jim. He got flicked with “stuff” here and there and, I laughed.
That is another item to add to my book, Life as a Decorator!
Category: B&A Blog